I have to admit I still get excited to wake up to snow. It’s a carryover from my childhood I guess, but it is definitely still there.
I remember going to bed, knowing there was a chance it would snow and hoping with every ounce of my being that I would wake up and hear school was cancelled. This morning when my wife told me it had snowed and school was cancelled, I got excited again.
As an adult, I worry about things like safety and keeping the electricity on and if we have enough food to last if we can’t get out for a day or two. That’s the price of growing up. Suddenly, snow days aren’t as much fun as they used to be.
On the other hand, I remember my dad coming out to jump on an over inflated truck tire inner tube to slide down the hill with us. He understood snow could still be fun after all of the responsibilities were looked after.
Sometimes when the snow is really coming down and we don’t have to GO anywhere, we still need to play in the snow.
So, if you’ll excuse me…