Inspired by writer friend Loren Eaton’s Advent Flash Fiction collections, this is the third year I’ve asked fellow writers to give me their spooky stories for Halloween. Each year it seems to grow a bit more and a few more writers step up to contribute.
This year, we made it all about Flash Fiction. The criteria for these Halloween stories was 100 words. No more. No less. It’s an interesting challenge to write something that short. You have to imply a lot, because you can’t say it. That’s the beauty of it.
Take a few moments and check out each of the following writer’s take on Halloween in 100 words. You’ll be amused, amazed and maybe a little creeped out.
Come back from time to time. I’ll add more as writers send them to me.
Happy Halloween!
2015 Halloween Collection
Exhibit S and Tronie by Loren Eaton
Two Short and Shivery Tales by Susanna Connelly Holstein: Left Behind and Separation
Halloween Decorations by Leanne Stowers
3 Halloween Stories By Cat Pleska
The Stairwell by M. Lynne Squires
Alas… poor Yorick by Eric Fritzius
Previous collections and Halloween stories